Saturday, April 4, 2009

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Historians world over differ widely on the subject of origin of the poker game. One of the theories that have been widely accepted in the gaming circle is that the game is a descendant of the French Poque that itself descended from the German card game named Pochen. The meaning of the term pochen is to knock while in its Dutch version it means “to brag”. However till date there is no consensus opinion about the origins of the popular card game.
Each of these games and online poker rooms rules has its own specific types of game . However the common features in them is the thrill and excitement inherent in the game of poker room

Reasons for such difference is that while the game of poker might have descended and originated from the above named French or German versions, it has close resemblance with others as well. For instance the Persian game of “as nas” closely resembles the game of poker in its rudimentary form. The game was brought by the Persian sailors who visited the French settlements in New Orleans. It is also believed that the game has resemblance with the Renaissance game called “primero” in the French circles. The game was called “brelan” and the English version of the game is without doubt a descendant of this form of the French game.

The game was spread to Asia around the year 1925 with the community card poker rooms versions made popular by the American Military personnel deputed to the Asian continent during and after the First World War. internet poker room as a game is perhaps most popular in America and Europe, especially in English speaking nations. It has become part of the American and English Culture to day.